Letter from the current Ethics & Compliance Commission Chairman, Howard Maestri:

Created in 2011 by a vote of the people of Jefferson Parish, the Jefferson Parish Ethics and Compliance Commission was formed to ensure ethical standards are established and maintained at all levels of Parish government. The Commission is comprised of five members, each nominated by our local colleges and universities.  The current members of the ECC Board are Chairman Howard Maestri from Loyola University New Orleans, Warren Bourgeois, M.D. from Tulane University, Cherie Kay LaRocca from Delgado Community College, Dolores Hall from University of New Orleans and Laura Donnaway from Xavier University. Each Commissioner’s term is established by Parish ordinance.

Our mission and purpose are clear, collectively and individually, the members of the Commission are committed to ensuring that the actions of all Parish employees, public servants, and elected officials, as well as those who do business with the Parish, are accountable to the highest ethical standards of honesty and integrity. With this objective in mind, the Commission seeks to facilitate transparency in Jefferson Parish’s government in fulfilling its advisory role.

The Commission appoints and oversees the Jefferson Parish Inspector General. Currently, Ms. Kim Raines Chatelain serves in this role. She and her office are tasked with identifying fraud, waste and abuse within Jefferson Parish government and making recommendations when corrective action is necessary.

In summary, the Commission works with the IG and her office to address all complaints of ethical violations within Jefferson Parish. When necessary, corrective actions are taken. Annual performance reviews of the Office of Inspector General are conducted by an independent panel of Jefferson Parish citizens and their findings are reported to the Commission and Parish government. Public meetings are conducted monthly by the Commission which includes reports by the IG of her activities.

We look forward to working with you, the residents of Jefferson Parish and all government officials and employees to improve the integrity and ethical operation of our government.